My first quiz – Rockpool facts


You have two minutes to answer all 10 questions.

Questions vary each time, so feel free to take the quiz more than once.

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Rock-pool facts

My first quiz

1 / 10

The Brown Crab (Cancer pagurus) is also known as the Edible Crab. What other crabs are caught commercially in UK waters?

2 / 10

What kind of animal is a Star ascidian?

3 / 10

In late Spring what changes about the appearance of the male Shanny?

4 / 10

What rockpool resident gave the Romans their purple dye?

5 / 10

Anemones, jellyfish and corals all belong to the same phylum, Cnidaria. Where does this group gets its name?

6 / 10

How long does it take for a starfish to digest its food?

7 / 10

Anemones have a symbiotic relationship with tiny micro-algae. How does the anemone gain from this?

8 / 10

How long do Sandhoppers live for?

9 / 10

You find a hermit crab with a much larger left claw. This is most likely which species?

10 / 10

How does a Clingfish hold on to a rock?

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The average score is 40%


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Questions vary each time, so feel free to take the quiz more than once.


Rock pool quiz

I love reading and watching videos about rock-pools. There is always something new and interesting to discover. Rather than just repeat these facts I thought it would be more fun to create some quizzes based around the knowledge. Dad found a WordPress Plugin (Quiz Maker from that does the clever stuff.

my first quiz with quiz maker plugin

Since this is my first quiz I am really only trying to get used to the software. I will not be testing all of the question styles here – but please do leave feedback to say whether the questions were interesting, and if you enjoyed taking it. Please do share on social media.

rock pool heather buttivant

This quiz is based on things I have learnt from Heather Buttivant’s book Rock Pool. I will be doing a book review on that soon. It will help to have read the book – but is not essential. Heather has her own blog Cornish rockpools.

Strangely, the best bit of creating a quiz is thinking up wrong answers. I hope these are not too easy to spot.

2 thoughts on “My first quiz – Rockpool facts

  1. Hi David, I just came across this quiz and it’s brilliant, as is your whole website. I’ve just shared this on my Cornish Rock Pools Facebook and I have recommended your site to my followers. It’s wonderful to know that you’ve enjoyed my book and I hope you carry on with your fabulous website and with your passion for marine wildlife. Best wishes, Heather

    1. Hello Heather, thank you so much for commenting and recommending my site. I can see people having a go already. I really enjoyed your book and I hope I got my facts right from it. Happy rock-pooling, David

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